Carbon Monoxide Carbon monoxide (CO) is an odorless, colorless gas produced by the burning of something. In this case fossil fuels such as propane or natural gas. All furnaces that use these fuel sources produce carbon monoxide at some level. Carbon monoxide is created by burning organic
Cracked Heat Exchanger Boise Many companies today are looking for and reporting more cracked heat exchangers than ever before. We wanted to post a blog about this so consumers know a bit more about the subject. Let’s start by explaining what a heat exchanger is and what
Heating Repair Boise- Heating without your furnace My power went out yesterday at about 3 a.m, I woke up about 5:30 to darkness and 3 kids trying to get ready for school in a dark and cold house. This heating repair Boise event caused me to wonder
Furnace Repair Meridian Idaho- Filters For this furnace repair Meridian Idaho we are going to walk through filters, the proper use, type and when to replace them. On a recent furnace repair meridian Idaho I had a customer who had an old EAC (electronic air cleaner) casing.
Furnace Repair Eagle Idaho Here in eagle we enjoy our wide open spaces, mountain views, clean neighborhoods, and staying warm in the winter time! When you have a furnace repair Eagle Idaho here are some things that may help get you through it. The three most common
Furnace Repair Boise Id – Flame sensor For this furnace repair Boise Id. we are going to talk about flame sensors. A flame sensor is a device that, yep you guessed it, senses flame. The flame sensor sits in front of the last burner and directly in
Furnace Repair Boise – cracked heat exchanger This and every blog that follows is designed to help you the homeowner better understand your HVAC system. How it works and what it takes to keep it running well. Today we are going to talk about a furnace repair that occurred concerning